Sherritt International Corporation
2022  ESG Report
Published on  June 21, 2023
Sherritt International Corporation's (‘Sherritt’ or ‘the Corporation’) primary business is focused on the production of nickel and cobalt for sale in the global market. Its Technologies Group creates innovative, proprietary solutions for natural resource-based industries around the world to increase economic value and improve environmental performance. Sherritt's strategic priority is to be a responsible and low-cost producer of finished nickel and cobalt while maintaining strong performance in the areas of environment, health and safety, and sustainability. The common shares of the Corporation are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “S”.

Sherritt has a 50/50 partnership with General Nickel Company S.A. (GNC) of Cuba in the Moa Joint Venture (Moa). The Moa Joint Venture mines, processes and refines nickel and cobalt for sale worldwide, except in the United States. The Moa Joint Venture is a vertically-integrated joint venture (JV) that mines lateritic ore by open pit methods and processes them at its facilities in Moa, Cuba into mixed sulphides containing nickel and cobalt. The mixed sulphides are then transported to refining facilities in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta (the Fort Site). The Fort Site facilities provide inputs (ammonia, sulphuric acid and utilities) for the Moa Joint Venture metals refinery. Sherritt also has 100% ownership over the production of agricultural fertilizer, which is a byproduct of mineral production. Nickel and cobalt products from the joint venture are sold to various markets, primarily in Europe, Japan and China. Marketing and sales of the nickel and cobalt processes are supported by Sherritt’s wholly-owned corporation, based out of satellite offices in the Bahamas.  

Sherritt also has a wholly-owned Oil and Gas division that explores for and produces oil and gas primarily from reservoirs in close proximity to the coastline along the north coast of Cuba. Additionally, Sherritt retains a 33% share in Energas S.A. (Energas), which is a joint venture established to process raw natural gas and generate electricity for sale to the Cuban national electrical grid. Cuban government agencies Unión Eléctrica (UNE) and Unión Cubapetróleo (CUPET) hold the remaining two-thirds interest in Energas. Sherritt's Oil and Gas division and Energas are reported on together as "OGP".
Disclaimer and Forward Looking Statements
Company Profile
Organizational Profile
Name Sherritt International Corporation
Describe nature of activities, brands, products and services Sherritt's business is focused on the production
of nickel and cobalt for sale in the global
market. Its Technologies Group creates
innovative, proprietary solutions for oil and
mining companies around the world to improve
environmental performance and increase
economic value. Sherritt is also the largest
independent energy producer in Cuba.
Link to Corporate Website https://www.sherritt.
Industry Classification NAICS:
21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
22 Utilities
31-33 Manufacturing
54 Professional, scientific and technical
Market Capitalization $100 Million up to $1 Billion USD
Type of Operations Primarily production oriented
Company Headquarters Toronto, Canada
ESG Accountability
Role and Name of highest authority within company for Environment, Social and Governance strategy, programs and performance Leon Binedell, CEO and President
ESG Reporting Period
Unless otherwise noted, all data contained in this report covers the following period
From 2022-01-01
To 2022-12-31
External Assurance
Has the report been externally assured No
Geographic Scope of Report
Unless otherwise noted, the data in this report covers ESG matters related to the following countries of operations
   •  Canada
   •  Cuba
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc.) For the 2022 reporting period, we are focusing
our disclosure on the Oil and Gas division and
Power division (OGP), the Fort Site Production
unit (Fort Site) and our operations in the MOA
nickel and cobalt joint venture (MOA Nickel
Site) with General Nickel Company S.A. (GNC)
of Cuba.

Unless otherwise indicated, all data reported
correspond to these three operational units.

Data on our corporate offices worldwide and
our technology and commercial business unit
incorporated into the report will be specified as
part of the disclosure.
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
Identify all of the entity's countries of operations that align with the World Bank's list of "Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations" None
Business Operations Scope of Report
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc.) Sherritt also manages some legacy closure sites
that are excluded from the scope of this report.
Relevant details are available in Sherritt's
Annual Information Form.
2022 Annual Information Form
Unless otherwise noted, all financial figures referenced in this report are in the following currency CAD
Reporting Practice
Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in the list of material topics and topic Boundaries No significant changes from previous reporting
periods in the list of material topics and topic
If applicable, report the date of the most recent previous report 2021-12-31
Choose the statement as to whether the organization has chosen the CORE or COMPREHENSIVE options in preparing the GRI aligned report Other, please specify
This report has been prepared with reference
to the GRI standards.
If the organization has audited consolidated financial statements or financial information filed on public record, specify the differences between the list of entities included in its financial reporting and the list included in its sustainability reporting Does not apply.
Provide the contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents
Membership of Associations
List of the industry associations, other membership associations, and national or international advocacy organizations in which the organisation participates in a significant role Refer to 2022 Sustainability Report.
Raw Material Produced
Identify the total amount of each raw material produced
Fossil Fuel
Natural Gas (Thousands of barrels of oil equivalent (BOE)) 14.133
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) (tonne) 6,170.450
Nuclear Fuel 0.000
Gemstones 0.000
Metals 32,496.193
Cobalt (Co) (tonne) 3,248.888
Nickel (Ni) (tonne) 29,247.305
Aggregate 0.000
In 2021, Sherritt incorrectly reported that
71.563 tonnes of total raw material was
produced. The correct number for 2021, is
41,699.106 tonnes of total raw material
produced. In other words, the variance
between the 2021 and 2022 reports is
attributable to a reporting error, rather than
actual significant production levels between
the two years.
Finished Product for Sale
Identify the total amount of each finished product for sale
Fossil Fuel
Natural Gas (Thousands of barrels of oil equivalent (BOE)) 14.133
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) (tonne) 6,170.450
Nuclear Fuel 0.000
Gemstones 0.000
Metals 35,635.008
Cobalt (Co) (tonne) 3,367.075
Nickel (Ni) (tonne) 32,267.933
Aggregate 0.000
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids (HGL) (cubic metres, m³) 17,448.758
In 2021, Sherritt incorrectly reported 71.563
tonnes of finished product for sale. The correct
number for 2021, is 41,699.106 tonnes of
finished product for sale. In other words, the
variance between the 2021 and 2022 reports is
attributable to a reporting error, rather than
actual significant production levels between
the two years. In 2022, in addition to the
numbers reported above, the Fort Site location
produced 250,147 tonnes of fertilizer for sale.
Organizational Profile
Provide a list of externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses, e.g., GRI, UN Global Compact Refer to 2022 Sustainability Report.
Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities, Refer to 2022 Annual Information Form.
2022 Annual Information Form
Provide a statement from the highest governance body or most senior executive of the organization (i.e., CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainable development to the organization and its strategy for for contributing to sustainable development. (CEO's message for this report) Refer to 2022 Sustainability Report.
Supply Chain
a. Report on significant changes to the organization’s size, structure, ownership, or supply chain, including Does not apply for 2022.
Changes in Locations and Operations
i. Changes in the location of, or changes in, operations, including facility openings, closings, and expansions Does not apply for 2022.
Changes in Capital Structure
ii. Changes in the share capital structure and other capital formation, maintenance, and alteration operations (for private sector organizations) Does not apply for 2022.
Changes in Supply Chain
iii. Changes in the location of suppliers, the structure of the supply chain, or relationships with suppliers, including selection and termination Does not apply for 2022.
Policy commitments
Provide a description of the organization’s policy commitments for responsible business conduct Sherritt is committed to producing and
supplying minerals that meet industry best
practices for sustainability and human rights,
and to advancing that commitment with its
joint venture partners, subsidiaries, and their
suppliers and customers. Sherritt’s Responsible
Production and Supply Policy and Human
Rights Policy identify our commitments, and
our Mineral Supplier Code of Conduct
identifies expectations for suppliers and due
diligence processes to be followed to ensure
any human rights risk in our mineral supply
chain are identified and mitigated. Our
Business Ethics Policy and Anti-Corruption
Policy provide clear guidance to our workforce
on what it means to act with integrity. These
policies cover conflicts of interest, fraud and
corruption, fair dealings, protection and proper
use of the company’s assets, compliance with
regulatory requirements, disclosure,
confidentiality, and reporting mechanisms
available to employees and contractors.
Ethics and Integrity
Describe the mechanisms for individuals to: seek advice on implementing the organization’s policies and practices for responsible business conduct Sherritt has a Whistleblower Policy that
indicates that any person submitting a
reportable concern may choose to do so
anonymously and confidentially through the
Whistleblower Hotline maintained by the
Corporation’s designated external service
provider. Reportable concerns may be
submitted by any of the Corporation’s
stakeholders including employees, contractors,
directors, officers, vendors, and others.
Mechanisms for individuals to seek advice on
implementing the organization's policies and
practices for responsible business conduct
include accessing Investor Relations at and/or through
Sherritt's Whistleblower mechanism.
Describe the mechanisms for individuals to: raise concerns about the organization’s business conduct Any individual who has a reportable concern or
grievance against Sherritt or any of its
subsidiaries, can report their issue
anonymously and confidentially through the
following channels maintained by the
Corporation’s designated external service

1. Online: https://www.clearviewconnects.
2. Skype Audio Reporting: clearview-sherritt
3. Telephone:
• Toll-free (North America): +1-866-840-8702
• Long distance: +1-416-386-5397

For concerns related to the Fort Site in Fort
Saskatchewan, Alberta, please call +1-780-
Reportable Concerns
Material Topics
Governance of Material Topics
ii. How has the organization prioritized the impacts for reporting based on their significance For a full disclosure of Sherritt's material topics
please see the 2022 Sustainability Report.
Material Topics - Sherritt
Governance of Material Topics
A description of the grievance mechanism: if the management approach includes such mechanism, describe how the stakeholders who are the intended users of the grievance mechanisms are involved in the design, review, operation, and improvement of these mechanism(s) Sherritt has a grievance management standard.

The mechanism is confidential, independent,
easily accessible to all community members,
allows for anonymity and does not create
internal conflict of interest or risk of

It does not preclude complainants from
accessing other sources of remedy if they are
dissatisfied with the outcome.

Grievances are defined and a severity-
classification framework is in place.

Site-level and Corporate senior management is
responsible for the grievance management

The mechanism includes the tracking,
investigation and resolution of grievances.
Grievance Mechanism: Ownership of the mechanism The mechanism is owned by the Legal function.
Grievance Mechanism: The purpose of the mechanism and its relationship to other grievance mechanisms The purpose of the mechanism is to build trust-
based relationships with stakeholders and
maintain the Corporation's social license to

All subsidiary and site-level grievance
mechanisms are aligned with Sherritt's

In addition to having access to the Sherritt
grievance mechanism, in Cuba there are also
local mechanisms managed by Sherritt's JV
partners that are aligned with local laws.
Grievance Mechanism: The organization’s activities that are covered by the mechanism All of the organization's activities are covered
by the mechanism, including mineral
production and supply, and employee conduct.
Grievance Mechanism: The intended users of the mechanism Anonymous and protected reporting of
allegations of misconduct and breaches of
Sherritt's values and ethics standards.

Grievances can be raised by internal and
external stakeholders from anywhere in the
value chain.
Grievance Mechanism: How the mechanism is managed Grievances are managed by an independent
third party mechanism.
Grievance Mechanism: The process to address and resolve grievances, including how decisions are made The process to address and resolve grievances

1. Formal capture and assessment (by severity)
of all received grievances in a single, central
location or database.

2. Confirmation of receipt of the grievance.

3. Communication with the complainant
regarding the status of the grievance.

4. Tracking and investigative processes for
managing received grievances based on

5. Identification of root causes and contributing
factors, and corrective actions to remedy a
grievance where Sherritt is found responsible
for the impact, ensuring consistent remedy for
similar grievances.

6. Allowance for third-party investigations, if
Grievance Mechanism: The effectiveness criteria used Sherritt's grievance standard includes:

1. Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of
the process, taking into consideration both
Sherritt’s and stakeholders’ perspectives.

2. Routine reporting on the nature and
resolution of grievances to site-level senior
General Disclosure - OGP
Compliance with laws and regulations
Report the total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period 0
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period 0
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period ($Million) 0
General Disclosure - Fort Site
Compliance with laws and regulations
Report the total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period 0
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period 0
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period ($Million) 0
General Disclosure - MOA Nickel Site
Compliance with laws and regulations
Report the total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period 0
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period 0
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period ($Million) 0
General Disclosure - Sherritt
Compliance with laws and regulations
Report the total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period 0
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period 0
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period ($Million) 0

Data Table - Non-Compliance With
Environmental Laws and Regulations
Describe the significant instances of non-compliance Does not apply. All operations are in
compliance with environmental laws and/or
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - OGP
Scope 1
For your operations, disclose the gross global Scope1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,033,018.865
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 45.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,412,227.960
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 8,288.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 250,800.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 2,704,379.825
Discuss any change in its emissions from the previous reporting period, including whether the change was due to emissions reductions, divestment, acquisition, mergers, changes in output, and/or changes in calculation methodology Net power generation increased from
4,859,091 GJ in 2021 to 6,745,700 GJ in 2022,
representing a 26% increase. This resulted in an
overall increase in emissions as gas turbines are
the main source of power generation.
The entity may discuss the calculation methodology for its emissions disclosure, such as if data are from continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), engineering calculations, or mass balance calculations Emissions are calculated by means of
engineering calculations and mass balance
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Fort Site
Scope 1
For your operations, disclose the gross global Scope1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 332,925.200
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,169.500
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,186.040
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 335,280.740
Discuss any change in its emissions from the previous reporting period, including whether the change was due to emissions reductions, divestment, acquisition, mergers, changes in output, and/or changes in calculation methodology 2022 GHG emissions remained within the
historical range. There were no material
changes in activities or operations from
previous years.
The entity may discuss the calculation methodology for its emissions disclosure, such as if data are from continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), engineering calculations, or mass balance calculations 2022 data is sourced from internal metering,
accounting records, supplier invoices, and
engineering calculations.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - MOA Nickel Site
Scope 1
For your operations, disclose the gross global Scope1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 587,851.972
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 587,851.972
Discuss any change in its emissions from the previous reporting period, including whether the change was due to emissions reductions, divestment, acquisition, mergers, changes in output, and/or changes in calculation methodology 2022 GHG emissions remained within the
historical range. There were no material
changes in activities or operations from
previous years.
The entity may discuss the calculation methodology for its emissions disclosure, such as if data are from continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), engineering calculations, or mass balance calculations Emissions are calculated by means of
engineering calculations using fuel and raw
material consumption.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Sherritt
Scope 1
For your operations, disclose the gross global Scope1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,953,796.037
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,214.500
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 1,413,414.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 8,288.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 250,800.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 3,627,512.537

Data Table - Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions
Discuss any change in its emissions from the previous reporting period, including whether the change was due to emissions reductions, divestment, acquisition, mergers, changes in output, and/or changes in calculation methodology 2022 GHG emissions for the metals business,
which is inclusive of the Fort Site and Moa
Nickel, remained within the historical range as
there were no material changes in activities or
operations from previous years. However, an
increase in production at OGP operations
resulted in a subsequent increase in overall
Sherritt emissions for 2022.
The entity may, where relevant, provide a breakdown of its emissions by mineral or business unit Please see details below on how GHG
emissions were reported concerning joint
ventures and partnerships where Sherritt does
not own 100% of each business unit
responsible for emissions:
Sherritt discloses GHG emissions on behalf of
our JV partners. Accordingly, the total
emissions attributed to Sherritt in this report,
and other sustainability reports prepared by
the Company, overrepresent Sherritt's specific
Scope 1 emissions. The total of Scope 1
emissions that can be attributed to Sherritt are
50% for the Moa Nickel Site and Fort Site
combined, and 33% for the OGP business due
to the level of ownership by Sherritt in each
joint venture. Furthermore, any analysis
conducted to assess the emission intensities of
Sherritt’s businesses or product, should
consider that the Sherritt’s metals business is
comprised of the Fort Site and Moa Nickel Site
and the OGP business is comprised of various
other sites. Production totals for each separate
business should be used to calculate emission
The entity shall discuss its long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage its Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Refer to 2022 Climate Report.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - OGP
Scope 2
Disclose the gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere (tonne CO₂-e):
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 27,660.000
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 27,660.000
In 2021, power for OGP operations was
supplied by a larger proportion of internally
produced energy sources.  In 2022, more
energy was purchased from the power grid,
resulting in an increase in Scope 2 emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Fort Site
Scope 2
Disclose the gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere (tonne CO₂-e):
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 61,970.000
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 61,970.000
2022 GHG emissions remained within the
historical range. There were no material
changes in activities or operations from
previous years.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - MOA Nickel Site
Scope 2
Disclose the gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere (tonne CO₂-e):
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 57,588.000
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 57,588.000
In 2021, power for Moa Nickel operations was
supplied by a larger proportion of externally
produced energy sources.  In 2022, less energy
was purchased from the power grid, resulting in
a reduction in Scope 2 emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Sherritt
Scope 2
Disclose the gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere (tonne CO₂-e):
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 147,218.000
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) 0.000
The total amount of gross global Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) 147,218.000
Sherritt discloses GHG emissions on behalf of
our JV partners. Accordingly, the total
emissions attributed to Sherritt in this report,
and other sustainability reports prepared by
the Company, overrepresent Sherritt's specific
Scope 2 emissions. The total of Scope 2
emissions that can be attributed to Sherritt are
50% for the Moa Nickel Site and Fort Site
combined, and 33% for the OGP business due
to the level of ownership by Sherritt in each
joint venture. Furthermore, any analysis
conducted to assess the emission intensities of
Sherritt’s businesses or product, should
consider that the Sherritt’s metals business is
comprised of the Fort Site and Moa Nickel Site
and the OGP business is comprised of various
other sites. Production totals for each separate
business should be used to calculate emission

Data Table - Energy Indirect (Scope 2) GHG
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope2 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Refer to 2022 Climate Report.
Reduction of GHG emissions
GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction initiatives (in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent) 0.000
Sherritt is currently in the process of
developing a detailed emission reduction road-
map for all of its major operating facilities and
assets that will ensure a comprehensive
approach to meeting emission reduction
targets. At present GHG emissions have not
reduced as a direct result of reduction
Carbon Offset
How much CO₂ (metric tonnes) offset credits were purchased? 0.000
Emissions Management
Disclose the management approach regarding Emissions Sherritt is committed to tracking and managing
our energy use and GHG emissions at each site.
Sites are required by our Climate Change
standard to implement GHG emission
management systems that meet various
requirements in line with the Mining
Association of Canada’s (MAC) Towards
Sustainable Mining (TSM) Climate Change
Protocol.  Additionally, Sherritt has established
a climate action plan that includes aspirational
interim targets for reducing our carbon
footprint that are aligned with global net-zero
ambitions. Furthermore, as part of the climate
action plan, baseline GHG emissions
assessments are being completed at all
operations. This will enable improved emissions
management in future years.
TSM Climate Change Protocol
Air Emissions - OGP
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere
Emissions of carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reported as NOx (tonne) 4,737.000
Emissions of oxides of sulphur (SOx), reported as SOx (tonne) 35,975.000
Emissions of Particulate Matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne)
Information unavailable.
Emissions of lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne)
Information unavailable.
Emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne)
Information unavailable.
Emissions of non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonne)
Information unavailable.
Air Emissions - Fort Site
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere
Emissions of carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) 218.411
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reported as NOx (tonne) 1,471.274
Emissions of oxides of sulphur (SOx), reported as SOx (tonne) 138.724
Emissions of Particulate Matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne) 87.902
Emissions of lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonne) 9.889
Air Emissions - MOA Nickel Site
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere
Emissions of carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reported as NOx (tonne) 1,371.000
Emissions of oxides of sulphur (SOx), reported as SOx (tonne) 15,112.000
Emissions of Particulate Matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonne) 0.000
Air Emissions - Sherritt
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere
Emissions of carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) 218.411
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reported as NOx (tonne) 7,579.274
Emissions of oxides of sulphur (SOx), reported as SOx (tonne) 51,225.724
Emissions of Particulate Matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne) 87.902
Emissions of lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne) 0.000
Emissions of non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonne) 9.889
Total air emissions reported for OGP, Fort Site
and MOA Nickel Site are based on available
information and/or on the applicability of the
indicator to the operation.
Energy Management - OGP
Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) including the fuel types used (e.g., biomass, hydro-electric power or bioenergy) 611,442.000
Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity 44.4111%
Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy 0.0000%
Energy Management - Fort Site
Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) including the fuel types used (e.g., biomass, hydro-electric power or bioenergy) 6,918,079.000
In 2022, improved environmental tracking
accounted for energy derived from the
combustion of sulphur at the Fort Site, which
was not reported in 2021.
Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity 8.7156%
Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy 0.0000%
Energy Management - MOA Nickel Site
Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) including the fuel types used (e.g., biomass, hydro-electric power or bioenergy) 9,706,000.000
In 2022, improved environmental tracking
accounted for steam from additional plant
areas at Moa Nickel, which was not reported in
Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity 2.3594%
Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy 0.0000%
Energy Management - Sherritt
Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) including the fuel types used (e.g., biomass, hydro-electric power or bioenergy) 17,235,521.000
Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity 6.4025%
Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy 0.0000%
Energy - OGP
Energy Consumption
c. Report the energy consumed in gigajoules for the following :
Electricity consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 611,442.000
Heating consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Cooling consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
d. Report energy sold in gigajoules and report the totals for each
Electricity sold (gigajoules, GJ) 6,306,766.510
Heating sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Cooling sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Energy - Fort Site
Energy Consumption
c. Report the energy consumed in gigajoules for the following :
Electricity consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 602,953.000
Heating consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 838,809.000
In 2022, improved environmental tracking
accounted for energy used for hearting at the
Fort Site, which was not reported in 2021.
Cooling consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 5,386,671.000
In 2021, this data reflected total steam
consumption. In 2022, correction to the
datasets were made to better reflect
operational realities (i.e., that energy was used
to  generate internal electricity).
d. Report energy sold in gigajoules and report the totals for each
Electricity sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Heating sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Cooling sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam sold (gigajoules, GJ) 89,646.190
Energy - MOA Nickel Site
Energy Consumption
c. Report the energy consumed in gigajoules for the following :
Electricity consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 229,000.000
Heating consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 7,200,000.000
In 2022, improved environmental tracking
accounted for energy used for hearting at Moa
Nickel, which was not reported in 2021.
Cooling consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 2,277,000.000
In 2021, this data reflected total steam
consumption. In 2022, correction to the
datasets were made to better reflect
operational realities (i.e., that energy was used
to  generate internal electricity).
d. Report energy sold in gigajoules and report the totals for each
Electricity sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Heating sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Cooling sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Energy - Sherritt
Energy Consumption
c. Report the energy consumed in gigajoules for the following :
Electricity consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 1,443,395.000
Heating consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 8,038,809.000
Cooling consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam consumption (gigajoules, GJ) 7,663,671.000
d. Report energy sold in gigajoules and report the totals for each
Electricity sold (gigajoules, GJ) 6,306,766.510
Heating sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Cooling sold (gigajoules, GJ) 0.000
Steam sold (gigajoules, GJ) 89,646.190
Report the standards, methodologies, assumptions, conversion factors and/or calculation tools used Total energy consumption reported for OGP,
Fort Site and MOA Nickel Site is based on
available information and/or on the
applicability of the indicator to the operation.
Energy Intensity
The total energy consumption within the organization, in gigajoules 17,235,521.000
Water - OGP
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand Does Not Apply
Water - Fort Site
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand 37.2972%
This percentage represents the proportion of
water reused at the Fort Site in cooling
Water - MOA Nickel Site
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand 32.7610%
Water - Sherritt
Proportion of water reused and recycled by the site to reduce the overall consumptive water demand 33.3797%
Water - OGP
Water Management
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (in thousands of cubic meters) 70.435
Analyze and list all operations for water risks and identify activities that withdraw and consume water in locations with High (40–80%) or Extremely High (>80%) Baseline Water Stress as classified by the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct Does not apply. Operations do not interact with
water bodies classified as being in High or
Extremely High Water Stress locations as
defined by the World Resources Institute's
(WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct.
Water - Fort Site
Water Management
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (in thousands of cubic meters) 2,511.331
Analyze and list all operations for water risks and identify activities that withdraw and consume water in locations with High (40–80%) or Extremely High (>80%) Baseline Water Stress as classified by the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct Does not apply. Operations do not interact with
water bodies classified as being in High or
Extremely High Water Stress locations as
defined by the WRI Water Risk Atlas tool,
Water - MOA Nickel Site
Water Management
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (in thousands of cubic meters) 15,345.000
Analyze and list all operations for water risks and identify activities that withdraw and consume water in locations with High (40–80%) or Extremely High (>80%) Baseline Water Stress as classified by the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct Does not apply. Operations do not interact with
water bodies classified as being in High or
Extremely High Water Stress locations as
defined by the WRI Water Risk Atlas tool,
Water - Sherritt
Water Management
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (in thousands of cubic meters) 17,926.766
Analyze and list all operations for water risks and identify activities that withdraw and consume water in locations with High (40–80%) or Extremely High (>80%) Baseline Water Stress as classified by the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool, Aqueduct Does not apply. Operations do not interact with
water bodies classified as being in high or
extremely high water stress locations.
Disclose the freshwater withdrawn in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water withdrawn 0.0000%
Water - OGP
Water Management
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations No
Total number of instances of non-compliance, including violations of a technology-based standard and exceedances of quality-based standards 0
Water - Fort Site
Water Management
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations No
Total number of instances of non-compliance, including violations of a technology-based standard and exceedances of quality-based standards 0
Water - MOA Nickel Site
Water Management
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations No
Total number of instances of non-compliance, including violations of a technology-based standard and exceedances of quality-based standards 0
Water - Sherritt
Water Management
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations No
Total number of instances of non-compliance, including violations of a technology-based standard and exceedances of quality-based standards 0
Water and Effluents - Sherritt
Interactions with Water As A Shared Resource
Describe how the organization interacts with water, including how and where water is withdrawn, consumed, and discharged, and the water-related impacts caused or contributed to, or directly linked to the organization’s activities, products or services by a business relationship (e.g., impacts caused by runoff) Our Water Management Standard requires all
sites to implement a water monitoring program
that addresses surface water and groundwater,
in which both water quality and water quantity
monitoring parameters have been informed by
identified risks. Sites are required to maintain
records of facility-level water quality and
quantity data and to conduct regular trend
analyses to inform iterative water management
decision making processes.
Describe the approach used to identify water-related impacts, including the scope of assessments, their timeframe, and any tools or methodologies used Sherritt’s Water Management Standard
requires sites to identify and assess facility-
level risks related to surface water and
groundwater.  Sites are required to establish
water performance objectives that include
controls, response and contingency plans, and
monitoring for the relevant water risks. Where
relevant, sites are required to identify and
engage with relevant water-related
Communities of Interest (COI) to better
understand how they use water resources,
including water-related local practices, beliefs,
customs and traditional knowledge in the case
that water-related impacts arise.
Describe how water-related impacts are addressed, including how the organization works with stakeholders to steward water as a shared resource, and how it engages with suppliers or customers with significant water-related impacts Water management at each of our sites is
tailored to site specific requirements and the
application of overarching principles contained
within Sherritt's Water Management Standard.
Water management is a cooperative effort
between Sherritt and the appropriate
regulatory agencies.
Explain the process for setting any water-related goals and targets that are part of the organization’s management approach, and how they relate to public policy and the local context of each area with water stress Sherritt has established public targets related
to water recycling objectives as part of our
current 5-year Sustainability Goals. These
targets were selected based on the water risk
profile of the sites (moderate to low risk), and
operational optimization opportunities.
Waste - OGP
Waste Generation and Significant Waste-Related Impacts
Report the total amounts generated of the following and associated risks (tonnes) 0.000
Overburden amount (tonnes) 0.000
Rock amount (tonnes) 0.000
Tailings amount (tonnes) 0.000
Waste - Fort Site
Waste Generation and Significant Waste-Related Impacts
Report the total amounts generated of the following and associated risks (tonnes) 0.000
Overburden amount (tonnes) 0.000
Rock amount (tonnes) 0.000
Tailings amount (tonnes) 0.000
Waste - MOA Nickel Site
Waste Generation and Significant Waste-Related Impacts
Report the total amounts generated of the following and associated risks (tonnes) 6,305,811.000
Overburden amount (tonnes) 3,174,159.000
Rock amount (tonnes) 57,338.000
Tailings amount (tonnes) 3,074,314.000
Waste - Sherritt
Waste Generation and Significant Waste-Related Impacts
i. Describe the inputs, activities, and outputs that lead or could lead to these impacts; Refer to 2022 Tailings Management Report.
ii. Describe whether these impacts relate to waste generated in the organization’s own activities or to waste generated upstream or downstream in its value chain Refer to 2022 Tailings Management Report.
Report the total amounts generated of the following and associated risks (tonnes) 6,305,811.000
Overburden amount (tonnes) 3,174,159.000
Rock amount (tonnes) 57,338.000
Tailings amount (tonnes) 3,074,314.000

Data Table - Total Amounts of Overburden,
Rock, Tailings and Sludge and Their Associated
Waste - OGP
Waste Generated
Report the total weight of waste generated (tonne) 9,968.300
Waste - Fort Site
Waste Generated
Report the total weight of waste generated (tonne) 3,437.000
Waste - MOA Nickel Site
Waste Generated
Report the total weight of waste generated (tonne) 9,536.000
Waste - Sherritt
Waste Generation and Significant Waste-Related Impacts
Describe the processes used to collect and monitor waste-related data Sherritt’s Waste Management Standard
requires sites to compile and review hazardous
and non-hazardous waste data for internal
and/or external reporting purposes on an
annual basis.
Waste Generated
Report the total weight of waste generated (tonne) 22,941.300
Effluents and Waste - Sherritt
Significant Spills
The reporting organization shall report the following information
a. Total number of recorded significant spills 0

Data Table - Significant Spills
Oil spills 0
Fuel spills 0
Spills of wastes 0
Spills of chemicals 0
Other, as specified by the organization 0
There were no significant spills at any of
Sherritt's operations in 2022.  Significant spills
are those that are included in the organization's
financial statements, for example due to
resulting liabilities, or are recorded as spills by
the organization.
Waste Management - OGP
Disclose the total weight of tailings produced (tonne) 0.000
Disclose the total amount of overburden removed (tonne) 0.000
Waste Management - Fort Site
Disclose the total weight of tailings produced (tonne) 0.000
Disclose the total amount of overburden removed (tonne) 0.000
Waste Management - MOA Nickel Site
Disclose the total weight of tailings produced (tonne) 3,074,314.000
Disclose the total amount of waste rock generated (tonne) 57,338.000
Disclose the total amount of overburden removed (tonne) 3,174,159.000
Waste Management - Sherritt
Disclose the total weight of tailings produced (tonne) 3,074,314.000
Disclose the total amount of waste rock generated (tonne) 57,338.000
Disclose the total amount of overburden removed (tonne) 3,174,159.000
Describe the policies and procedures that are set forth by the company's waste and hazardous materials management strategy Sherritt has developed several guidance
documents to assist site users on the
management of waste including a Waste
Management Process, Waste Process Manual,
Hazardous Waste Manifest Procedure and an
Annual Waste Report Procedure.
Describe how its policies and procedures compare with those required by local jurisdictions that apply to the entity Sherritt policies and procedures meet or
exceed all applicable local, provincial or
national waste regulations.
Describe how waste and hazardous materials management efforts are coordinated among business partners (e.g., contractors and subcontractors) Sherritt's Waste Management Standard
requires sites to provide training to relevant
employees and contractors in accordance with
their roles and responsibilities.
Describe how the company ensures compliance and conformance with waste and hazardous material management policies and procedures The company ensures compliance and
conformance with waste and hazardous
material management policies and procedures
through the implementation of policies and
management systems that comply with local
regulations and conform with the Towards
Sustainable Mining Tailings Management
TSM Tailings Management Protocol
Waste Management - MOA Nickel Site
Tailings Storage Facilities Management
Does your company manage Tailings Storage Facilities Yes
Provide an inventory of all talings storage facilities (TSFs)
TSF #1: (1) facility name Acid Leach Tailings Facility
TSF #1: (2) location Cuba
TSF #1: (3) ownership status Moa Joint Venture
TSF #1: (4) operational status Inactive/Care and Maintenance
TSF #1: (5) construction method Upstream
TSF #1: (6) maximum permitted storage capacity 53,700,000.000
TSF #1: (7) current amount of tailings stored 53,700,000.000
TSF #1: (8) consequence classification Significant
TSF #1: (9) date of most recent independent technical review 2022-12-15
TSF #1: (12) site-specific EPRP Yes
TSF #2: (1) facility name North Extension
TSF #2: (2) location Cuba
TSF #2: (3) ownership status Moa Joint Venture
TSF #2: (4) operational status Operational
TSF #2: (5) construction method Upstream
TSF #2: (6) maximum permitted storage capacity 11,800,000.000
TSF #2: (7) current amount of tailings stored 10,600,000.000
TSF #2: (8) consequence classification Significant
TSF #2: (9) date of most recent independent technical review 2022-12-14
TSF #2: (12) site-specific EPRP Yes
TSF #3: (1) facility name Area 22
TSF #3: (2) location Cuba
TSF #3: (3) ownership status Moa Joint Venture
TSF #3: (4) operational status Intensive/Care and Maintenance and
TSF #3: (5) construction method Centreline
TSF #3: (6) maximum permitted storage capacity 9,983,000.000
TSF #3: (7) current amount of tailings stored 4,680,000.000
TSF #3: (8) consequence classification Significant
TSF #3: (9) date of most recent independent technical review 2022-12-13
TSF #3: (12) site-specific EPRP Yes
Provide a summary of the tailings management systems used to monitor and maintain the structural integrity of tailings facilities and to minimize the risk of a catastrophic failure We perform readings on piezometers and
settlement monuments, and we are assessing
the use of a laser scanner in the North
Extension (NE) as a continuous monitoring
Provide summary of tailings management systems and governance structure used to monitor and maintain the stability of tailings storage facilities The tailings management systems and
governance structure used to monitor and
maintain the stability of tailings storage
facilities is summarized in the 2022 Tailings
Management Report. Each TSF is monitored
regularly by the tailings management teams
and Engineer of Record for safety and stability.
Instrumentation such as piezometers and
settlement monuments are reviewed as part of
those assessments.
Disclose the approach to the development of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (EPRPs) Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans
(EPRPs) are developed along with the
Operations Maintenance and Surveillance
(OMS) manual every two years or when a major
facility change occurs. EPRPs are prepared by
the Engineer on Record and the Tailings Dam
Team. The initial draft is sent for peer revision
and the final version is sent to Moa Nickel
Directors and Sub-Directors for revision and
commentaries. Finally, this document is sent to
local authorities for approval.
Disclose the company's approach to engagement concerning Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (EPRPs) at tailings storage facilities, including the preparedness of local stakeholders EPRPs and the OMS are prepared to establish a
close commitment with the surrounding
neighborhood La Veguita. Two major safety
campaigns are implemented annually to engage
the local population and warn them of the
inherent risk of living near tailings facilities.
Tailings dam personnel are also trained in these
items throughout the year and during their
safety inductions and training.
Biodiversity - Sherritt
Management Plan
Disclose the approach to biodiversity management Sherritt is committed to identifying, managing,
protecting, and conserving biodiversity. Our
Biodiversity Management Standard is designed
to meet all the Level A requirements of the
TSM Biodiversity Conservation Management

To achieve implementation of our Biodiversity
Management Standard, operating sites are
required to develop a site level biodiversity
action plan that assesses potential impacts or
risks to biodiversity and identifies specific
objectives or targets for significant biodiversity
aspects. These biodiversity action plans include
considerations such as local ecological
knowledge, identification of any no-go or buffer
zones near key areas, and monitoring and
evaluation mechanisms.  Action plans are
designed to address legal and corporate
obligations (including those related to closure
and post-closure) and align with existing
regional initiatives, where possible.
TSM Biodiversity Conservation Management
Describe significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Does not apply. Project footprints do not
overlap with protected areas and areas of high
biodiversity value outside protected areas.
List the environmental and biodiversity management plan(s) implemented at active sites Biodiversity Conservation Management Plan

TSM Biodiversity Conservation Management
1.3 The underlying references for its plan(s), including whether they are codes, guidelines, standards, or regulations; whether they were developed by the entity, an industry organization, a third-party organization (e.g., a non-governmental organization, a governmental agency, or some combination of these groups) Mining Association of Canada - Towards
Sustainable Mining: Biodiversity Conservation
Management Protocol
Biodiversity - OGP
Amount of land (owned or leased, and managed for production activities or extractive use) disturbed or rehabilitated (hectares)
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (A: opening balance) 48.3
Total amount of land newly disturbed within the reporting period (B) 0
Total amount of land newly rehabilitated within the reporting period to the agreed end use (C) 0
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (D= A+B-C; closing balance) 48.3
Total cumulative land rehabilitated since the beginning of the operation (hectares) 0
Biodiversity - Fort Site
Amount of land (owned or leased, and managed for production activities or extractive use) disturbed or rehabilitated (hectares)
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (A: opening balance) 131
Total amount of land newly disturbed within the reporting period (B) 0
Total amount of land newly rehabilitated within the reporting period to the agreed end use (C) 0
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (D= A+B-C; closing balance) 131
Total cumulative land rehabilitated since the beginning of the operation (hectares) 0
Biodiversity - MOA Nickel Site
Amount of land (owned or leased, and managed for production activities or extractive use) disturbed or rehabilitated (hectares)
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (A: opening balance) 888.74
Total amount of land newly disturbed within the reporting period (B) 63.72
Total amount of land newly rehabilitated within the reporting period to the agreed end use (C) 40
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (D= A+B-C; closing balance) 912.46
Total cumulative land rehabilitated since the beginning of the operation (hectares) 870.12
Biodiversity - Sherritt
Amount of land (owned or leased, and managed for production activities or extractive use) disturbed or rehabilitated (hectares)
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (A: opening balance) 1,068.04
Total amount of land newly disturbed within the reporting period (B) 63.72
Total amount of land newly rehabilitated within the reporting period to the agreed end use (C) 40
Total land disturbed and not yet rehabilitated (D= A+B-C; closing balance) 1,091.76

Data Table - Amount of Land (Owned or
Leased, and Managed for Production Activities
or Extractive Use) Disturbed or Rehabilitated
Total cumulative land rehabilitated since the beginning of the operation (hectares) 870.12
Scale of the Organization
Describe how the organisation defines its "Operation" For the purpose of this section of the report,
Sherritt has classified its operations as follows:

Other (3) - Workforce located in the Bahamas,
UK and Spain.

Cuba (3) - OGP, Moa Nickel and Havana office
workforce located in Cuba.

Canada (4) - Toronto and Calgary
administrative offices and Fort Site and
Technologies division workforce located in
Employment - Other
Scale of the Organization
Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) 19
Report the total number of contract employees worldwide 0
Female employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 68.4211%
Male employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 31.5789%
Employees and contractors with gender not disclosed as percentage of total employees and contractors 0.0000%
Contractors as percentage of total employed workforce worldwide 0.0000%
Employment - Cuba
Scale of the Organization
Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) 31
Report the total number of contract employees worldwide 2,451
The Cuban workforce is supplied by two state
employment contractors. All contractors are
under Sherritt and its partners' duty of care,
but Cuban nationals are not hired directly by
Female employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 0.0000%
Male employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 1.2490%
Employees and contractors with gender not disclosed as percentage of total employees and contractors 0.0000%
Contractors as percentage of total employed workforce worldwide 98.7510%
The Cuban workforce is supplied by two state
employment contractors. All contractors are
under Sherritt and its partners' duty of care,
but Cuban nationals are not hired directly by
Employment - Canada
Scale of the Organization
Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) 816
Report the total number of contract employees worldwide 58
Female employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 21.3959%
Male employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 71.9680%
Employees and contractors with gender not disclosed as percentage of total employees and contractors 5.1487%
Contractors as percentage of total employed workforce worldwide 6.6362%
Scale of the Organization
Report the total number of operations 10
Employment - Sherritt
Scale of the Organization
Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) 866
Report the total number of contract employees worldwide 2,509
The Cuban workforce is supplied by two state
employment contractors. All contractors are
under Sherritt and its partners' duty of care,
but Cuban nationals are not hired directly by
Female employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 5.9259%
Male employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors 19.7333%
Employees and contractors with gender not disclosed as percentage of total employees and contractors 1.3333%
Contractors as percentage of total employed workforce worldwide 74.3407%
The Cuban workforce is supplied by two state
employment contractors. All contractors are
under Sherritt and its partners' duty of care,
but Cuban nationals are not hired directly by
Employment - Other
Employee Information
Report the total number of direct employees by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender 19
Total number of permanent employees 19
Total number of permanent employees - female 13
Total number of permanent employees - male 6
Total number of temporary employees 0
Report the total number of employees by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender 19
Report the total number of full-time employees 19
Report the total number of part-time employees 0
Total number of full-time employees - female