Published on December 7, 2023 |
Falco has prioritized ESG factors to define its mission and has adopted an inspiring vision firmly rooted in its values: - Mission: Our way of being a miner : Building a lasting legacy every day, through every action we take. - Vision : Falco’s innovative, scalable and transparent approach, rooted in current and future issues, is a model and a source of pride for its employees, its community and its peers. - Values: Falco advocates values such as transparency, integrity, determination and audacity. |
Disclaimer and Forward Looking Statements |
Company Profile |
Organizational Profile |
Name |
Falco Resources Ltd. |
Describe nature of activities, brands, products and services |
Falco is an exploration and development stage company in the business of acquiring, exploring and developing mineral properties in Canada. Falco's focus is on the exploration and development of its mineral properties in the Rouyn-Noranda region of the Province of Québec for base and precious metals, primarily on its wholly owned Horne 5 polymetallic deposit (the “Horne 5 project”). |
Falco is one of the largest claim holders in the Province of Québec, with extensive land holdings in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Falco owns mining claims and contractual rights in or in relation to mining concessions covering an aggregate of approximately 70,000 hectares of land in the Noranda mining camp. Falco's principal property is the Horne 5 Project, located in the Noranda mining camp, which has hosted several former gold and base metal producers including the Horne Mine, which was operated by Noranda Inc. from 1927 to 1976. The Horne Mine produced approximately 11.6 million ounces of gold and 2.5 billion pounds of copper.
For further details regarding the Horne 5 Project, refer to the Updated Feasibility Study entitled, “Feasibility Study Update, Horne 5 Gold Project”, dated effective March 18, 2021, which was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Respecting Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”), and is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. |
Link to Corporate Website |
https://www.falcores.com/en/ |
Industry Classification |
NAICS: 212220 Gold and silver ore mining 212233 Copper-zinc ore mining
ISIC: B0729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores |
Market Capitalization |
$0-$100Million USD |
Type of Operations |
Exclusively non-producing operations |
Company Headquarters |
Montreal, Canada |
ESG Accountability |
Role and Name of highest authority within company for Environment, Social and Governance strategy, programs and performance |
Falco Board of Directors |
ESG Reporting Period |
Unless otherwise noted, all data contained in this report covers the following period |
From |
2022-01-01 |
To |
2022-12-31 |
Audit Status |
Identify the degree to which any inputs of the report are third-party checked |
Self-Declared |
Financial Reporting Period |
Specify the frequency of sustainability reporting |
Annually |
Whether Financial reporting period aligns with the period for its sustainability reporting |
No |
Specify the reporting period for its financial reporting |
From |
2022-07-01 |
To |
2023-06-30 |
If financial reporting period does not align with the period for its sustainability reporting, explain the reason for this |
ESG reports follow a calendar year while the financial report follow a financial year of July- June. Any questions should be addressed to VP Environment and Sustainable Development at info@falcores.com.
Specify the contact point for questions about the report or reported information |
Vice-President, Environment & Sustainable Development |
Geographic Scope of Report |
Unless otherwise noted, the data in this report covers ESG matters related to the following countries of operations |
Canada |
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations |
Identify all of the entity's countries of operations that align with the World Bank's list of "Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations" |
None |
Business Operations Scope of Report |
Identify notable exclusions, and reference any existing or planned reports that do or will address these (e.g, assets recently divested or acquired, non-managed joint ventures, specific exploration activities, recently closed sites, etc.) |
No exclusion |
Mineral Resource Types in Scope |
Which of the following mineral resource types are covered by this report |
• Inferred • Indicated • Measured |
Mineral Reserve Types in Scope |
Which of the following mineral reserve types are covered by this report |
• Proven • Probable |
Currency |
Unless otherwise noted, all financial figures referenced in this report are in the following currency |
Organizational Profile |
Provide a list of externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes, or which it endorses, e.g., GRI, UN Global Compact |
GRI, SASB, UN Global Compact, TSM and TCFD. |
Strategy |
Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities, |
Falco’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&As) published on SEDAR on a quarterly basis and also available on Falco's Web Site, discuss the main risk factors associated with an investment in Falco or in connection with its business and operations (see attached). |
As part of the development of the Horne 5 Project, Falco filed (i) its updated Feasibility Study on SEDAR in 2021 and submitted (ii) its Impact Study (2017) to the regulators in 2018 (''EIS'') and iii) complements to the EIS in 2022. These studies discuss the project risks, impacts, and opportunities in detail and are available at the links below.
An enterprise and project risks analysis was initiated with KPMG in 2021 and an assessment of the top key risks was completed in 2022, which are aligned with those risks included in Falco’s MD&A.
Horne 5 Feasibility Study Update 2021
Horne 5 Environmental Impact Assessment (in French)
Falco Management's Discussion and Analysis (MDA) for periods ended Dec 31, 2022
Environmental Assessment Registry (in French) |
Falco’s Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&As) 2022 |
Provide a statement from the highest governance body or most senior executive of the organization (i.e., CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainable development to the organization and its strategy for for contributing to sustainable development. (CEO's message for this report) |
Message from the President & CEO, Luc Lessard, and the Vice-President Environment & Sustainable Development, Hélène Cartier (see attached). |
Falco Corporate Sustainability Report 2021 |
A word from Management |
Policy commitments |
Provide a description of the organization’s policy commitments for responsible business conduct |
Falco has a diligent organizational structure that ensures healthy corporate governance. Falco expects its corporate governance framework and practices to evolve in tandem with its growth. The organizational structure is supported by several policies with clear directions and concrete objectives including a Code of Ethics, which requires the observance of high standards of business, environmental, and personal ethics in the conduct of all directors, officers, and other employees, and third party services provider of Falco. |
Additional policy commitments for responsible business conduct are contained in the additional policies identified below:
- Code of Ethics - Internal Whistleblowing - Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption and Anti- Money Laundering (newly adopted in 2022) - Prevention of Harrassment in the Workplace and the Handling of Complaints - Securities trading - Tenure on the board of directors - Diversity of the board of directors - Diversity in corporate talent - Health and Safety - Corporate Social Responsibility - Environmental |
Code of Ethics |
Prevention of Harrassment in the Workplace and the Handling of Complaints |
Health and Safety |
Diversity of the board of directors |
Diversity in corporate talent |
What are (if any) the authoritative intergovernmental instruments that the commitments reference |
Although Falco’s policy commitments do not reference the specific authoritative intergovernmental instruments, Falco’s policies above identified, are developed and annually reviewed and amended (where required) on the basis of best practices in corporate governance and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. |
Do the commitments stipulate conducting due diligence |
Falco policy commitments (including its Code of Ethics, Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption, and Anti- Money Laundering policy, and Internal Whistleblowing policy) refer to due diligence, monitoring, regular reviews, and/or reporting on the policy commitments. Falco’s Internal Whistleblowing policy provides for an anonymous reporting mechanism with respect to violations of commitments contained in Falco’s policy commitments. |
Do the commitments stipulate applying the Precautionary Principle or Approach |
Yes |
Falco’s Environmental Policy does refer to “the precautionary principle " to mitigate the nuisance factors that may result from our operations. Although most of Falco’s policies do not specifically stipulate the application of the Precautionary Principle, they contain guidelines and mechanisms that aim to prevent and mitigate negative impacts notably in health and safety and to prevent acts that would contravene Falco’s policies.
Do the commitments stipulate respecting human rights |
No |
Describe the specific policy commitment to respect human rights |
Although Falco’s policies do not overtly refer to human rights, its commitments to human rights include among others, the respect of all (i) employees (including fair treatment and equal opportunity, free from discrimination or harassment of any sort, safe working environment) and of (ii) all culture and rights of communities (including First Nations) where the Corporation operates its business (including its stakeholders, customers, suppliers, and other third parties treating with the Company). |
Policy on the Prevention of Harrassment in the Workplace and the Handling of Complaints |
Code of Ethics |
What are (if any) the internationally recognized human rights that the commitment covers |
There are no specific references to ''internationally recognized human rights.'' |
What are the categories of stakeholders, including at-risk or vulnerable groups, that the organization gives particular attention to in the commitment |
The First Nations and host communities are specifically referred to in Falco's policy commitments. |
Provide links to the policy commitments, if publicly available, or, if the policy commitments are not publicly available, explain the reason for this |
The policy commitments are publicly available on the Falco website, see the link. |
Links to the policy commitments |
Report the level at which each policy commitment was approved within the organization, including whether this is the most senior level |
All of such policy commitments were approved by the Board of Directors of Falco its most senior level of governance. |
To what extent the policy commitments apply to the organization’s activities and to its business relationships |
Falco’s policy commitments extend to third parties conducting business (providing services and goods) with the Company.
Describe how the policy commitments are communicated to workers, business partners, and other relevant parties |
Undertakings to comply with the policy commitments (Code of Ethics, Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption and Anti Money Laundering and Prevention of Harassment in the Workplace and the Handling of Complaints) are provided, on an annual basis, to all employees, directors and third parties conducting business (providing services and goods) with Falco and each such policy commitments must be read, agreed to and signed by all such parties. |
Embedding policy commitments |
Describe how the organization embeds each of its policy commitments for responsible business conduct throughout its activities and business relationships |
Please refer to the information below for a description of the Company's implementation and enforcement of its policy commitments. |
How are responsibilities allocated in order to implement the commitments across different levels within the organization |
Allocation of responsibilities to implement Falco’s policies is managed through Falco’s managerial oversight and reporting structure. Please refer to section “Governance structure and composition” of this report. As per the Code of Ethics, each employee with executive or managerial responsibilities is responsible for communicating the expectations contained in the policy commitments to all employees under his supervision and obtaining their undertaking as to their awareness and compliance with such policy commitments. |
How are the commitments integrated into organizational strategies, operational policies, and operational procedures |
The policy commitments have been established by management of the Corporation as a Code of Ethics to be observed by all directors and employees of the Corporation in line with its operations and activities. They are applicable in all jurisdictions in which the Corporation conducts business. This commitment is renewed every year for each employee and all directors. |
How does the organization implement its commitments with and through its business relationships |
As per the Code of Ethics, Falco's policy commitments extend to all third parties conducting business with the Company. |
What implementation training does the organization provide |
Employees receive periodic training regarding ethics and business conduct including on corruption, social and professional integration of Aboriginal workers. Falco also encourages its employees (including contractor) to take training throughout the year. |
Supply Chain |
Estimated Total number of Business Entities in its downstream |
0 |
Estimated End-Use customers |
0 |
Types of activities related to the organization’s products and services carried out by the downstream entities (e.g., manufacturing, wholesale, retail); |
Not applicable. |
The nature of its business relationships with the downstream entities |
Not applicable. |
Describe significant changes in the information reported about business activities, value chain and other business relationships compared to the previous reporting period |
No change. |
Material Topics |
Governance of Material Topics |
Describe the process followed to determine the organization's material topics, including: |
i. How has the organization identified actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights, across its activities and business relationships; provide details |
• Economic impact assessment • Environmental impact assessment • Social impact assessment • Civil society organizations |
Falco completed a Materiality Assessment with an approach inspired from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.
A comprehensive list of potential ESG topics was developed from multiple ESG standards (BNQ 21000, Sustainable Development Goals, SASB, GRI). Redundancies were eliminated and some topics were grouped in order to finalize a list of Selected ESG Topics (see attached). |
Falco Selected ESG Topics (in French) |
ii. How has the organization prioritized the impacts for reporting based on their significance |
To understand the relative importance of the selected ESG Topics to Falco's internal stakeholders, a survey was developed and sent to employees and manager and workshops organized. |
The relative materiality of the Selected ESG Topics to Falco's external stakeholders was assessed during a workshop.
The significance of Falco's ESG impacts was assessed by WSP based on existing literature on the organization and the Horne 5 Project (see links below). The results were revised by Falco's environment team in 2021. The assessment and the Materiality Matrix were finalized in 2022, after review by Falco's Executives.
Falco Corporate Sustainability Report 2021
Horne 5 Environmental Impact Assessment Study 2017 (in French)
Horne 5 Feasibility Study Update 2021 |
Falco Materiality Assessment External Stakeholder Input |
Materiality Matrix 2022 |
Specify the stakeholders and experts whose views have informed the process of determining its material topics and provide details |
• Business partners • Civil society organizations • Employees and other workers • Local communities • Non-governmental organizations |
List the organization's material topics |
• Procurement Practices • Energy • Water • Biodiversity • Emissions • Effluents and Waste • Labor/Management Relations • Occupational Health and Safety • Training and Education • Diversity and Equal Opportunity • Equal Remuneration for Women and Men • Non-discrimination • Indigenous Rights • Local Communities • Anti-corruption • Supplier Assessment for Impacts on Society • Closure Planning • Communications • Materials Stewardship • Other, please specify |
Falco and Horne 5 Materiality Assessment was initiated in late 2021 and completed in 2022. This list reflects the potential topics that will be assessed, prioritized and reported in the 2022 ESG report.
The list of topics assessed by the organization also includes : - Climate changes and ESG Risks - Resilience and Climate Risks - Integrating ESG into business decisions - Noise and Vibration - Environmental and Social Costs Internalization - Board Diversity and Accountability - ESG Disclosure |
Materiality matrix |
Environment |
General Disclosure |
Compliance with laws and regulations |
Report the total number of significant instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations during the reporting period, and a breakdown of this total by: |
0 |
Number of instances for which fines were incurred |
0 |
Number of instances for which non-monetary sanctions were incurred |
0 |
Report the total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period |
0 |
Report the monetary value of fines for instances of noncompliance with laws and regulations that were paid during the reporting period ($Million) |
0 |
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period |
0 |
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in the current reporting period ($Million) |
0 |
Total number of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in previous reporting periods |
0 |
Total monetary value of fines for instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that occurred in previous reporting periods |
0 |
Describe the significant instances of non-compliance |
Not applicable. |
Describe how it has determined significant instances of non-compliance |
Not applicable. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Scope 1 |
For your operations, disclose the gross global Scope1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere of the seven GHGs covered under the Kyoto Protocol (tonne CO₂-e) |
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) (tonne CO₂-e) |
104.192 |
Methane (CH₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (CHF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (CH₂F₂) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF₃) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Perfluoromethane (CF₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Perfluoroethane (C₂F₆) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Perfluorobutane (C₄F₁₀) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
Perfluorohexane (C₆F₁₄) (tonne CO₂-e) |
0.000 |
The total amount of gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO₂-e) (tonne) |
104.192 |
Falco's Scope 1 GHG emissions were generated by gasoline-fueled vehicles, diesel-fueled drilling work, and by natural gas-powered warehouse heating. The warehouses are intended to be relocated to the future Horne 5 Mining Complex, which will be powered by hydroelectricity from the grid.
GHG emissions (tonne CO2-e) have been calculated based on estimated gasoline and diesel consumption and natural gas invoices by the Company's energy provider, using EPA conversion factors. |
The percentage of its gross global Scope 1 GHG emissions that are covered under an emissions-limiting regulation or program that is intended to directly limit or reduce emissions, such as cap-and-trade schemes, carbon tax/fee systems, and other emissions control (e.g., command-and-control approach) and permit-based mechanisms |
100.0000% |
The entity shall discuss its long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage its Scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions |
Although its Scope 1 GHG emissions are low, in part due to its limited activities in 2022, Falco has already begun identifying and integrating solutions to minimize the carbon footprint in the planning and design stages of the Horne 5 Project. |
Falco will maintain this approach and continue to look for best practices and innovative technologies to further reduce its GHG emissions at the detailed engineering stage of the project. |
Falco GHG Emissions Reduction |
Air Emissions |
Report emissions of air pollutants that are released into the atmosphere |
Emissions of carbon monoxide, reported as CO (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reported as NOx (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of oxides of sulphur (SOx), reported as SOx (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of Particulate Matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (PM₁₀), reported as PM₁₀ (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of lead and lead compounds, reported as Pb (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of mercury and mercury compounds, reported as Hg (tonne) |
0.000 |
Emissions of non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (tonne) |
0.000 |
Falco is currently conducting exploration and project development activities that do not release significant air pollutants into the atmosphere. |
Energy Management |
Total energy consumed in aggregate, in gigajoules (GJ) (hydrocarbons and electricity) including the fuel types used (e.g., biomass, hydro-electric power or bioenergy) |
4,313.320 |
Falco's total energy consumed for 2022 is from:
- Vehicles (gasoline) : 65.958 GJ (1,53%) - Drilling work (diesel) : 35.286 GJ (0,81%) - Winter work (propane) 1.280 GJ (0,03%) - Warehouses heating (natural gas) : 1890.588 GJ (43,81%) - Rouyn-Noranda office (hydroelectricity from the grid) : 2322.461 GJ (53,82%) The warehouses are intended to be relocated to the Horne 5 Mining Complex, which will be powered by hydroelectricity from the grid. |
Percentage energy consumed that was supplied by grid electricity |
53.8439% |
Falco's total energy consumed for 2022 is from:
- Vehicles (gasoline) : 65.958 GJ (1,53%) - Drilling work (diesel) : 35.286 GJ (0,81%) - Winter work (propane) 1.280 GJ (0,03%) - Warehouses heating (natural gas) : 1890.588 GJ (43,81%) - Rouyn-Noranda office (hydroelectricity from the grid) : 2322.461 GJ (53,82%) |
Percentage of energy consumed that is renewable energy |
53.8439% |
Water |
Water Management |
Disclose the amount of water that was withdrawn from freshwater sources (in thousands of cubic meters) |
0.525 |
Most of the water consumed in 2022 was withdrawn from the city's water supply system.
The water used for drilling came from surface streams. Given the limited amount of water withdrawn and since it was not measured and only estimated, no distinction was made and all water was considered to be from freshwater sources.
For the Horne 5 Project, Falco will implement various strategies and technologies to limit the use of freshwater and maximize water recirculation and reuse : - Collecting Ponds will be installed at the mine site to capture rainwater, which will be used in the process. - Once the tailings facility is in place, precipitation and tailings water will be collected and recirculated into the process. |
Horne 5 Water Protection and Reduction |
Disclose the freshwater withdrawn in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water withdrawn |
0.0000% |
Falco operates exclusively in the Province of Quebec that is characterized by the Water Resources Institute's Water Risk Atlas as a Low Overall Water Risk area. |
Disclose freshwater consumed in locations with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a percentage of the total water consumed |
0.0000% |
Disclose the amount of water that was consumed in its operations (in thousands of cubic meters) |
0.525 |
The water consumed in 2022 was for:
- Drinking and sanitary water for the Rouyn- Noranda office and warehouses, comes from the city's water system and is determined from water meters: 0.49 in thousands of cubic meters (93%).
- Drilling conducted as part of environmental and engineering studies for the Horne 5 Project development : 0.035 thousand of cubic meters (7%). This volume is an estimate, no measurements were taken during drilling. Drilling water was withdrawn from surface streams. |
Was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations |
No |
Total number of instances of non-compliance, including violations of a technology-based standard and exceedances of quality-based standards |
0 |
Waste Management |
Tailings Storage Facilities Management |
Does your company manage Tailings Storage Facilities |
No |
Falco's activities are currently limited to exploration and project development and the Company does not currently own nor manage any tailings storage facilities. |
Disclose the approach to the development of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (EPRPs) |
During the operation of the Horne 5 project, Falco plans to strategically manage tailings to minimize their impact on the environment. Falco is committed to the several actions and measures (see attached). |
The Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) is designed to manage acid mine drainage. The classification of its containment structures and the outcome of the risk assessment conducted on them are disclosed as part of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS).
An Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual will be developed to ensure the asset integrity and will include procedures such as regular inspections as well as an emergency preparedness and response plan.
Horne 5 Tailings Management (in French) |
Horne 5 Tailings Management |
Biodiversity |
Management Plan |
List the environmental and biodiversity management plan(s) implemented at active sites |
Falco has no active sites in areas of high biodiversity value at this stage. Environmental and biodiversity management plans will be implemented as the Horne 5 Project development evolves. |
Falco has initiated the third-party externally verified UL 2723 ECOLOGO Certification for Responsible Development for Mineral Exploration, and is in compliance with the Environmental Requirements included in the standard.
Falco is also committed to the following biodiversity protection measures as part of the development of the Horne 5 Project: - Limit the impact on wildlife by adjusting the timing of activities, especially to protect fish habitat, eastern whip-poor-will (a threatened species) and bats (some of which are classified as endangered). - Cover tailings transport pipes with granular material to allow the passage of small wildlife. - Collaborate with regional stakeholders to identify the most promising, innovative and appropriate habitat loss compensation projects for the region.
Horne 5 Vegetal Biodiversity (in French)
Horne 5 Wildlife Biodiversity (in French) |
Horne 5 Biodiversity Protection |
Impacts |
Does access to the site involve traversing a protected area |
No |
This disclosure includes all relevant categories and designations of provincial, national, and internationally recognized protected areas, including: the World Conservation Union (IUCN) designation I-IV, UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites, UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserves, and wetlands designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (the Ramsar Convention). |
Do any of the entities concessions share a watershed with a protected area |
No |
Percentage of proved reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat |
0.0000% |
The Horne 5 Project reserves and resources are all located outside of protected areas. |
Percentage of probable reserves in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat |
0.0000% |
Percentage of inferred, indicated and/or measured resources in sites with protected conservation status or in areas of endangered species habitat |
0.0000% |
Falco has completed the environmental biodiversity studies for the Horne 5 Project development and its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Horne 5 Project resources and reserves are all located outside of areas that could potentially impact endangered species habitats.
As per its Environmental Policy, Falco will respect legal requirements applicable, will communicate its requirements to its suppliers and subcontractors, and will contribute to the preservation of local biodiversity during the development of its mining projects. The exploration activities are conducted in accordance with the third-party externally verified ECOLOGO Certification requirements. The Horne 5 Project design integrates numerous vegetal and wildlife biodiversity protection measures that will be implemented at active sites, as described in Biodiversity Management Plan section above. |
Social |
Scale of the Organization |
Describe how the organisation defines its "Operation" |
Falco is in the business of exploring, evaluating and developing mineral properties in Canada. Its focus is on developing its mineral properties in the Rouyn-Noranda region of the Province of Québec for base and precious metals, primarily on its wholly owned Horne 5 Project.
The Company has a 100% interest in approximately 700 square kilometres of mining claims and contractual rights in or in relation to mining concessions in the Rouyn-Noranda Mining Camp, which Management believes represents approximately 70% of the entire Mining Camp. Rouyn-Noranda is an established Mining Camp in the Province of Québec with the required infrastructure (electricity, rail, water, etc.) in place for exploration and mine development. |
Report the total number of operations |
1 |
Scale of the Organization |
Report the total number of direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) |
11 |
This is the number of direct employees (excluding contractors) as of December 31, 2022. |
Report the total number of male direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) |
3 |
Report the total number of female direct employees worldwide (exclude contractors) |
8 |
Report the total number of contract employees worldwide |
2 |
Total number of employees worldwide (include contractors) |
13 |
This is the number of employees (including contractors) as of December 31, 2022. |
Total number of female employees and contractors worldwide |
10 |
Female employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors |
76.9231% |
Total number of male employees and contractors worldwide |
3 |
Male employees and contractors as percentage of total employees and contractors |
23.0769% |
Employee Information |
Report the total number of direct employees by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender |
11 |
This is the number of direct employees as of December 31, 2022. |
Total number of permanent employees - female |
8 |
Total number of permanent employees - male |
3 |
Report the total number of employees by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender |
11 |
Report the total number of full-time employees |
11 |
Report the total number of part-time employees |
0 |
Total number of full-time employees - female |
8 |
Total number of full-time employees - male |
3 |
Describe the methodologies and assumptions used to compile the data |
The data are compiled in an Excel table by the pay service. |
Are the numbers reported in head count, full-time equivalent (FTE), or using another methodology |
The numbers reported are using a head count methodology. |
Are the numbers reported at the end of the reporting period, as an average across the reporting period, or using another methodology |
The numbers reported at the end of the reporting period reflect the actual number of employees at the end of the period. |
Provide contextual information necessary to understand the employment information provided |
Falco Resources is working to develop the Horne 5 Project with a small team of specialized workers. The Falco team will grow as the Horne 5 Project progresses, other specialized workers will join the team. |
Describe significant fluctuations, if any, in the number of employees during the reporting period and between reporting periods |
The large decrease in the number of employees is due to the lack of work associated with waiting for the admissibility of the environmental impact study. |
Workers who are not employees |
Report the total number of workers who are not employees and whose work is controlled by the organization |
2 |
Describe the most common types of worker and their contractual relationship with the organization |
Not applicable. |
The type of work they perform |
Not applicable. |
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (permanent and temporary), by gender |
2 |
Total number of temporary contractors - female |
2 |
Report the total number of contractors by employment type (full-time and part-time), by gender |
2 |
Total number of part-time contractors - female |
2 |
Describe the methodologies and assumptions used to compile the information about workers who are not employees. |
Workers who are not employees include only contractors who work all year for Falco. |
For the other contractors who do short-term work, only hours worked are counted for the Health and Safety statistics. |
Falco Health and Safety statistics - 2022 |
Is the number of workers who are not employees reported in head count, full-time equivalent (FTE), or using another methodology |
Yes, the number of workers who are not employees is reported in head count. |
Is the number of workers who are not employees reported at the end of the reporting period, as an average across the reporting period, or using another methodology |
No, the number is the total of workers who have worked throughout the year for Falco. |
Describe significant fluctuations, if any, in the number of workers who are not employees during the reporting period and between reporting periods |
One more person was hired for the exploration department compared to last year. |
Turnover |
Report the total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, and gender |
All Employees |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
10 |
Of these 10 turnovers, only one employee voluntarily left their position. The other turnovers relate to a temporary lack of work due to the delay in receiving the admissibility of the EIA by the relevant Quebec Ministry, which momentarily precluded the Company from further advancing to other steps of its operations. |
Female employees |
Total number of turnover (the number of females that left during the period) |
0 |
Male employees |
Total number of turnover (the number of males that left during the period) |
10 |
Of these 10 turnovers, only one employee voluntarily left their position. The other turnovers relate to a temporary lack of work due to the delay in receiving the admissibility of the EIA by the relevant Quebec Ministry, which momentarily precluded the Company from further advancing to other steps of its operations. |
Turnover & Age Breakdown |
Employees aged 30 years old and under |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
0 |
Employees aged between 30 and 50 years old |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
7 |
Employees over 50 years old |
Total number of turnover (the number that left during the period) |
3 |
Identify types of employees captured in the turnover rate calculations |
All employees on the payroll |
Includes employees and contractors (temporary and permanent). |
Average age of employees |
46 |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
Report the percentage of employees per employee category in each of the following diversity categories |
Board of Directors |
Total Board of Directors |
6 |
Percent Male |
66.6667% |
Percent Female |
33.3333% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
100.0000% |
Senior Management |
Total Senior Managers |
4 |
This number is as of December 31, 2022. |
Percent Male |
50.0000% |
Percent Female |
50.0000% |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
25.0000% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
75.0000% |
Salaried (excluding Senior Management) |
Total Salaried (excluding Senior Management) |
7 |
Percent Male |
14.2857% |
Percent Female |
85.7143% |
Percent under 30 years of age |
14.2857% |
Percent between 30 and 50 years of age |
57.1429% |
Percent over 50 years of age |
14.2857% |
Technical Employees (skilled hourly) |
Total Technical Employees |
0 |
No hourly employees (only salaried). |
Production Employees (unskilled hourly) |
Total Production Employees |
0 |
Contractors: |
Total Contractors |
2 |
Excluding Senior Management. |
Percent Female |
100.0000% |
Labour Relations |
Collective Bargaining Agreements |
Percentage of total direct employees covered by collective bargaining agreements |
0.0000% |
Falco does not have any collective bargaining agreements or unionized employees or contractors. |
For employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, report whether the organization determines their working conditions and terms of employment based on collective bargaining agreements that cover its other employees or based on collective bargaining agreements from other organizations |
Not applicable. |
Notice Periods |
Minimum number of weeks’ notice typically provided to employees and their representatives prior to the implementation of significant operational changes that could substantially affect them |
Minimum of 2 weeks, as per applicable law. |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Work-related Injuries |
Injuries - For all employees |
i. Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury |
0 |
ii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
iii. Number of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
iv. Main types of work-related injury, e.g., confined space, trips, falls, etc. |
No work-related injuries of any kind for Falco employees in 2022. |
v. Number of hours worked |
25,296 |
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) |
0 |
Lost Time Injuries Rate (LTIR) |
0.000 |
Injuries - workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the organization |
i. Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury |
0 |
ii. Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) |
0 |
iii. Number of recordable work-related injuries |
0 |
There was one work related incident for a sub contractor working in an area controlled by Falco using the wrong equipment which has not been reported here. This was reported by is employer. |
iv. Main types of work-related injury, e.g., confined space, trips, falls, etc. |
Reported only one injury for a worker who is not employee but worked in workplaces controlled by Falco. In this case, a fall occurred due to the wrong choice of equipment for work. |
v. Number of hours worked |
9,474 |
Work conducted by workers who are not employees but whose work and/or workplaces were controlled by Falco in 2022 included drilling for environmental and engineering studies as well as construction work supervised by Falco, as part of a relocation project for the development of the Horne 5 Project. |
Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) |
0 |
Lost Time Injuries Rate (LTIR) |
0.000 |
Combined (Employees and non-employees, but controlled by the organization): |
Total Hours Worked |
34,770 |
Total number of all work-related injuries |
0 |
Total Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) |
0 |
Lost Time Injuries Rate (LTIR) |
0.000 |
In 2022, Falco reported a 0.00 fatality rate, a 0.00 work-related injury rate, and a 0.00 lost time injury rate (LTIR) for its employees by the organization.
Also, Falco reported a 0.00 fatality rate, a 21.11 work-related injury rate, and a 21.11 lost time injury rate (LTIR) for its non-employees controlled by the organization. |
Report the work-related hazards that pose a risk of high-consequence injury, including |
i. How have these hazards been determined |
As per its Health and Safety Policy, Falco has, among others : - Communicated its requirements to its suppliers and subcontractors and made sure they were respected; and - Identified emergency situations and potential accidents which could have an impact on the environment, on the health of employees and neighboring communities, and prepared to handle those situations.
Work-related hazards that posed a high- consequence injury risk in 2022 would have been related to drilling and civil construction activities. Risk analysis were conducted, by Falco and/or its suppliers and subcontractors, prior to field work activities, and incorporated in Prevention and Safety Plans, along with appropriate measures and controls to implement in order to mitigate the identified hazards. |
Falco Health & Safety Policy |
ii. Which of these hazards have caused or contributed to high-consequence injuries during the reporting period |
Civil construction and drilling activities can cause injuries because they are risky works. |
iii. Actions taken or underway to eliminate these hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls |
Prevention and Safety Plans are developed, by Falco and/or its suppliers and subcontractors, for each field work program. |
These plans are reviewed with workers involved prior to each job site and inductions are provided to all field employees and contractors before initiating work.
A Health and Safety Meeting is held and a Work Card is filled in at the beginning of each shift.
Site Supervision is carried out during shifts, and Health and Safety Inspections are conducted regularly. |
Falco Prevention and Safety Plan (in French) |
Falco Work Card (in French) |
Report on actions taken or underway to eliminate other work-related hazards and minimize risks using the hierarchy of controls |
Prevention and Safety Plans include risk assessment and associated mitigation measures and controls for all work-related hazards, high-consequence like minors ones.
The Prevention and Safety Plans is amended by adding the elements present in the injury event report. |
Whether and, if so, why any workers have been excluded from this disclosure, including the types of worker excluded, e.g., short-term contractors |
No workers were excluded from this disclosure. |
Disclose any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, i.e., any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used |
Prevention and Safety Plans are developed and implemented in compliance with the regulation applicable, namely the "Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail" and the "Commission des normes de l'équité de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)". |
Health and Safety data are compiled accordingly on a monthly basis for both employees and contractors (see attached).
Falco reports its Health and Safety data to the Quebec Mining Association (AMQ), via the Metrio plateform, annually.
Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec
Falco Health and Safety Data 2022 (in French) |
Safety Training |
Disclose the average number of training hours provided to its workforce for health, safety, and emergency management training |
Average hours of health, safety, and emergency response training for (a) full-time/direct employees |
1.45 |
2022 Health and Safety (H&S) Training provided to Falco's employees consisted of First Aid in the Workplace program by the CNESST. |
Security, Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous People |
Identify the countries of operations within the World Bank's list of “Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations” |
None |
Describe the nature of any social risks, for all operating countries, that could have a material risk to operations |
At the present time, to the knowledge of Falco, none of the properties in which Falco has an interest, is the subject of a specific aboriginal land claim. However, no assurance can be provided that such will not be the case in the future. |
While Falco is committed to operating in a socially responsible manner there is no guarantee that its efforts will meet all of third parties’ expectations, which could have a material adverse effect on the company’s business, financial position and operations.
Falco's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy includes commitments in terms of Social and Economic Benefits, Stakeholder Engagement and Crisis Management.
Social risks are addressed as part of the Risk Factors discussed and published on a quarterly basis in Falco's Management Discussion & Analysis (MDAs) available on SEDAR Falco's website.
Falco Management Discussion & Analysis and other published reports
Falco Corporate Social Responsibility Policy |
Falco Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 2022 |
Percentage of proved reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict |
0.0000% |
Percentage of probable reserves that are located in or near areas of active conflict |
0.0000% |
Describe due diligence practices and procedures with respect to indigenous rights of communities in which it operates or intends to operate |
At the present time, to the knowledge of Falco, none of the resources and reserves are located in areas subject of a specific aboriginal land claim.
Nonetheless, Falco recognizes the importance of Indigenous communities, in particular the Abitibiwinni First Nation in Abitibi- Témiscamingue. Falco seeks to collaborate and participate in the community's socio-economic development to help support more equitable distribution of wealth within the territory and to learn and apply the shared ancestral ecological knowledge of the Abitibiwinni First Nation in the development of the Horne 5 Project.
Abitibiwinni-Québec Agreement, 2017 (in french) |
Community Relations |
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining |
Number of company operating sites where artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) takes place on, or adjacent to, the site (not controlled by company/unauthorized) |
0 |
Programs |
Report on community relations programs, objectives and achievements in the past 3 years |
In addition to listening to and developing a project in collaboration with the Rouyn- Noranda community, Falco seeks to become an active and involved member of the community.
In 2022, Falco met with its Consultative Committee 2 times and organized the following activities: - Presentation of the engagement and interaction plan for 2022-2023. - Technical presentations on the Air quality modeling (atmospheric dispersion) of the Horne 5 Project . - Presentation of the social monitoring preliminary program. - Presentation of the ESG action plan. - General presentation of the Horne 5 Project and update.
Over 90 consultation meetings were conducted between 2017 and 2022. Falco organized activities focused on specific themes, including: - Community consultation on the tailings facility. - Community consultation on potable water protection. - Discussions to maintain good neighborhood relationships with the snowmobile and all- terrain associations, as well as with the nearby golf club to understand issues and challenges. - Community consultation on noise, dust, and vibration controls measures. |
Discuss the processes, procedures, and practices to manage risks and opportunities associated with the rights and interests of communities in areas where it conducts business |
Falco’s approach is measured through ESG criteria. Falco has been proactive and made progress in securing its social license to operate in the community, and believes that ESG is fundamental to creating a positive impact on local and regional economies, better working and living environment, health and employment as well as creating value for shareholders. |
Falco will continue to take a proactive approach to its public consultation process and has been working diligently to identify as many stakeholders as possible in the Rouyn-Noranda and Abitibi region. Based on the numerous community meetings held throughout the region, Falco observes strong community support for the Horne 5 Project.
Since February 5, 2019, a consultation committee (the “Committee”) composed of representatives from the community was created. Falco remains committed to working with various stakeholders to finalize a plan for the Horne 5 Project that will maximize benefits for the entire community, our shareholders and other stakeholder groups. The mandate of the Committee is to propose enhancements to optimize cohabitation with all stakeholders and insure that the consultation and engagement plan has been implemented and has fulfilled its objective.
Falco's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy includes commitments in terms of Social and Economic Benefits, Stakeholder Engagement and Crisis Management.
Falco has implemented a complaint (grievance) management system modeled after the Canadian Mining Association "Towards Sustainable Mining" program.
Falco Corporate Social Responsibility Policy |
Falco Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 2022 |
Risks and Opportunities |
Disclose the total number of site shutdowns or project delays due to non-technical factors |
0 |
Governance |
Climate Change |
Oversight |
Is there board-level oversight of climate-related issues within your organization |
Yes |
Responsibility |
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for climate-related issues |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Reporting |
Frequency of reporting to the board on climate-related issues |
As important matters arise |
Incentives |
Do you provide incentives for the management of climate-related issues, including the attainment of targets |
No, and we do not plan to introduce them in the next two years |
Given the current stage of the Horne 5 Project, no water-related issues are expected within the next two years. |
Risk and Opportunity Management |
Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and responding to climate-related risks and opportunities |
Yes |
Falco will continue to identify the physical and transition risks associated with climate change and implement appropriate mitigation measures to improve its resilience. |
Risk Assessments |
Have you identified any inherent climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business |
Yes |
Falco recognizes that climate change is an international and community concern that may affect the business and operations of Falco, directly or indirectly.
The continuing rise in global average temperatures has created varying changes to regional climates across the globe, resulting in risks to personnel, equipment, and commodity supply. The mining industry as an emitter of greenhouse gas emissions is particularly exposed to these regulations.
Governments at all levels are moving towards enacting legislation to address climate change by regulating carbon emissions and energy efficiency, among other things. Costs associated with meeting these requirements may be subject to some offset by increased energy efficiency and technological innovation; however, there is no assurance that compliance with such legislation will not have an adverse effect on Falco's business, results of operations, financial condition, and share price.
Extreme weather events (such as prolonged drought or freezing, increased flooding, increased periods of precipitation, and increased frequency and intensity of storms) have the potential to disrupt operations and transport routes. Extended disruptions could result in interruption to production which may adversely affect Falco's business results of operations, financial condition, and its share price. |
Opportunity Assessments |
Have you identified any climate-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business |
No |
Strategy |
Have climate-related risks and opportunities influenced your organization’s strategy and/or financial planning |
Yes, and we have developed a low-carbon transition plan |
Falco has already begun identifying and integrating solutions to minimize the carbon footprint in planning and design stages of the Horne 5 Project. Falco will maintain this approach and continue to look for best practices and innovative technologies to further reduce its GHG emissions at the detailed engineering stage of the project. |
Water Management |
Quality and Quantity Dependency |
Rate the importance (current and future) of freshwater quality and quantity to the success of your business |
Direct use importance rating |
Important |
Freshwater needs are currently limited and provided by the city's water supply system. Freshwater quality and quantity will be important for the development of the Horne 5 Project, although it will only be a small proportion of the water usage (~5%). |
Rate the importance (current and future) of sufficient quantity of recycled, brackish and/or produced water for the success of your business |
Direct use importance rating |
Important |
Recycled water will be important for the Horne 5 Project development since the design targets a water recirculation and reuse rate of 95%. |
Risk Assessments |
Does your organization undertake a water-related risk assessment |
Yes, water-related risks are assessed |
Select the options that best describe your procedures for identifying and assessing water-related risks |
i. Coverage |
Full |
ii. Risk Assessment Procedure |
Water risks are assessed in an environmental risk assessment |
iii. Frequency of Risk Assessment |
Not defined |
iv. How far into the future are risks considered |
More than 6 years |
Have you identified any inherent water-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on operations |
Other, please specify |
As part of the Horne 5 feasibility study and its environmental impact assessment, Falco identified measures to mitigate water-related risks.
To ensure water protection, several measures will be put in place, including: - Double-walled pipes to transport tailings and recirculate water, preventing spillage in the event of a rupture. - Installation of 16 state-of-the-art instrumented leakage containment tanks along the pipeline route to detect leaks and prevent spillage. - Installation of modern and efficient water treatment plans that enable high water quality standards. |
Opportunity Assessments |
Have you identified any water-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on your business |
Yes, we have identified opportunities, and some or all are being realized |
As part of the Horne 5 Project development, Falco will implement various strategies and technologies to limit the use of freshwater and maximize water recirculation and reuse: - Collecting ponds will be installed at the mine site to capture the rainwater, which will be used in the process. - Once the tailings facility is in place, precipitation and tailings water will be collected and recirculated into the process.
The design now targets a water recirculation and reuse rate of over 95%, compared to 90% in 2017. |
Responsibility |
Provide the highest management-level position(s) or committee(s) with responsibility for water-related issues |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Policy |
Does your organization have a documented water policy |
Other, please specify |
Falco has an Environmental Policy which states its commitment to manage efficiently surface water and groundwater resources at all stages of its projects life cycle (see attached).
The Horne 5 Project design includes multiple Water Protection and Water Consumption Reduction Measures and Commitments (see excerpt from Falco's Sustainability Report 2021 attached).
Falco Environmental Policy |